Monday, May 16, 2016

Clearing Vitamin C Confusions

vit c

It’s great to be using citrus fruits and other foods for vitamin C. But we should identify what supplement forms of vitamin C is proving therapeutic for several diseases, even as its merits are not publicly disclosed and often denied by the medical establishment.

Clearing Vitamin C Confusions

It’s great to be using citrus fruits and other foods for vitamin C. But we should identify what supplement forms of vitamin C is proving therapeutic for several diseases, even as its merits are not publicly disclosed and often denied by the medical establishment.

Not only do mainstream health authorities deny ascorbic acid’s safety and efficacy, but so do too many among alternative health circles. There are those that say it’s unnecessary and even dangerous; that you get all the vitamin C you need from foods and you should never use a “synthetic” form of vitamin C.

Considering that humans have lost the gene that allows one’s body to manufacture vitamin C, a gene that most animals still retain, the source of vitamin C from only food needs to be reconsidered. The most commonly available vitamin C supplement is ascorbic acid.

A lot of ascorbic acid is manufactured from corn. Make sure you use non-GMO vitamin C. Many are concerned about ascorbic acid from China because of their high environmental industrial pollution. Google “China free corn free ascorbic acid” (without the quotation marks) to find the best sources of ascorbic acid.

You may be confused about the distinction between ascorbate and ascorbic acid, terms used alternately. The most common form of supplementary vitamin C is hydrogen ascorbate, which is ascorbic acid. It also comes in other alkaine forms such as sodium ascorbate and others. Vitamin C expert Dr. Thomas Levy advises against using calcium ascorbate. (Video at the end of this article).

The fact that ascorbates are the active component of vitamin C is intended to help understand that these compounds are needed for intensively delivering vitamin C at therapeutic levels. Other food sources of vitamin C, though important, cannot deliver the potency needed for effectively treating diseases ranging from cancer to the flu and even preventing heart disease.

Mainstream Oncology Researched Vitamin C as Adjunct for Chemo

A recent series of studies reported by Science Magazine online indicated the need to further research mega-dose vitamin C, usually delivered intravenously, as an adjunct for cancer treatments with normal treatment resistance due to KRAS or BRAF gene mutations.

Half or more colorectal (colon), lung, and ovarian cancer cells contain those mutated genes that manage to repel chemotherapeutic attempts at targeting them. The laboratory and animal studies convinced researchers that there is potential for at least applying mega-dose vitamin C therapy with conventional chemotherapy to lead the charge at disabling those genes.

They feel the need for extended human trials is unnecessary since vitamin C has no lethal levels. The complete study report is here.

An earlier animal study using mega-dose vitamin C for ovarian cancer to be used with chemo also contributed to the impetus for exploring mega-dose IV vitamin C applications in conventional oncology, promising to lower the dosages of chemo and reduce its side effects.

With the high profits registered by conventional oncology’s use of chemo, the old expression “don’t hold your breath” is appropriate.

Vitamin C Used for Diseases Effectively and Ignored for Decades


Many, including alternative health readers and consumers, do not know the therapeutic value of vitamin C, especially mega-dose vitamin C delivered intravenously or even injected muscularly. These protocols have been used covertly to cure cancer without conventional chemotherapy.
Vitamin C is not FDA approved to cure anything, despite its efficacy and safety proven empirically for several, even life threatening diseases. Linus Pauling and others looked into Vitamin C for cancer circa 1971.

But at first they used orally ingested vitamin C with doses at bowel tolerance repeated often. Administering ascorbate by slow drip IV in high doses was begun a little later after Orthomolecular or  Nutritional Medicine was created and practiced by a small number of MDs, naturopathic practitioners, and chiropractors.

The few who offered mega-dose IV vitamin C offered to cancer patients as an overall immune system booster, not as a cure, to avoid getting shut down. Naturally, the same service was offered for a broad spectrum of health disorders, especially viral infections, by only a few clinics nationwide.

Dramatic Vitamin C Cure Cases Willfully Ignored


Orthomolecular vitamin C successes, though impressive and numerous, were ignored by the FDA and the AMA. The unusual continual clinical successes of Dr. Frederick R. Klenner were ignored even as he cured polio cases during the late 1940s and 1950.

Dr. Klenner was a small town family doctor who made house calls in Reidsville, North Carolina and also delivered babies at the local area hospital.

For several years during the late 1940s and throughout the 1950s and beyond, Dr. Klenner successfully treated his patients with mega-dose vitamin C by injection or IV of many diseases including influenza, chicken pox, measles, pneumonia, and even polio. One cured polio victim was paralyzed in both legs.

“We’ve used massive doses of vita­mins on over 10,000 people over a period of 30 years,” said Dr. Klenner, “and we’ve [he and his nurse wife] never seen any ill effects from them. The only ef­fects we’ve seen have been beneficial.”

Dr. Klenner also stated, “Ascorbic acid is the safest and most valuable substance available to the physician” and that patients should be given “large doses of vitamin C in all pathological conditions while the physician ponders the diagnosis.”

And what about the AMA? Dr. Klenner took his case reports for polio to an Annual Session of the American Medical Association on June 10, 1949 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. His case reports were ignored.

Introducing Oral Liposmal Vitamin C


A more recent individual dramatic recovery story from high dose vitamin C made it into New Zealand’s TV version of “60 Minute News”. It was reported very fairly. You can view the news episode a few paragraphs down. It went viral on the internet, but wasn’t even poorly covered by our mainstream media.

The highlights include successful dairy farmer Alan Smith’s time in a New Zealand hospital and his family’s efforts to avoid the hospital’s decision to pull his life support plug. He was in a coma from severe viral double pneumonia complications from his bout with the Swine Flu, according to the official statement.

But the discovery of leukemia complicated matters even more. The hospital staff had decided to take him off life support. But one of the doctors suggested they at least concede to the family’s wish of trying IV mega-dose vitamin C.

The saga that followed is covered truthfully in this 18 minute NZ “60 Minutes” episode. Toward the end, around the 15 minute mark, you’ll see that the hospital’s stubborn refusal to continue IV vitamin C with the proper dosages resulted in the family bringing in oral liposomal C that resulted in dramatic results, including leukemia remission, with lower amounts.


What is Liposomal C How Come It’s So Effective Orally?

Only a few practitioners offer mega-dose IV vitamin C, which require office or clinical visits for expert treatment. It’s not advised to do it yourself, although some have. There could be complications that require expert medical attention to correct. Liposomal C is a do-it-yourself alternative.

Oral vitamin C is limited to smaller doses because of bowel intolerance. Although administering massive vitamin C by injection or IV gets a lot of ascorbic acid into the blood, not all of it is absorbed directly into the cells that require it.

The process of lipid encapsulation technology (LET) had advanced to the point of enabling supplement manufacturers, at first only with vitamin C then others, to break down the supplement compounds into tiny lipid particles from lecithin, at first from soy, but now sunflower lecithin is available.

Put simply, cell walls are made of fat. And water soluble compounds may roam freely in the blood but not so freely into the cells. Some sources say around 20 percent of the ascorbates in the blood gets into cells from IV vitamin C, but closer to 90 percent of lipid encapsulated ascorbates gets into cells because the lipid cell walls are susceptible to entry by the tiny lipids containing ascorbates.

A Japanese orthomolecular group experimented with Fukushima cleanup workers and discovered that mega-dose IV and liposomal C prevented radiation poisoning from occurring and even reversed radiation poisoning after it had occurred. Their study was not publicized despite their attempt to get the word out.

Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, has been a longtime orthomolecular practitioner of IV mega-dose vitamin C. He was surprised at the clinical results of manufactured liposomal C approximating much higher doses of IV vitamin C. Alan Smith’s recovery depended largely on 6 grams (6,000 mgs) of liposomal C daily after the hospital refused to match the 50 grams administered daily by IV.

Dr. Levy states that for all viral infections, both IV and liposomal applications are great. But so far only mega-dose IV C has demonstrate efficacy for cancer.

He explains in this article  how liposomal C is very beneficial if it’s produced by a manufacturer with the technology. Dr. Levy maintains that home made liposomal C is better than just ascorbate capsules, but it doesn’t create 100% actual lipid encapsulated vitamin C particles.

You may wish to find an orthomolecular practitioner. Here’s a guide.  If you wish to find liposomal C sources, simply Google liposomal C online.

Paul Fassa is a contributing staff writer for His pet peeves are the Medical Mafia’s control over health and the food industry and government regulatory agencies’ corruption. Paul’s contributions to the health movement and global paradigm shift are well received by truth seekers. Visit his blog by following this link and follow him on Twitter here



Learn How Different Strains Of Cannabis Affect You

Understanding How Each Strain Affects You 


Cannabis is unique. Each strain is bound to have a range of effects all its own. Of course marijuana strains can be similar in a number of respects but no two strains are completely alike. With that being said, learning how each strain of cannabis might affect you can go a long way towards utilizing the plant’s potential therapeutic benefits.

Being mindful of this, one can reasonably presume how a particular batch of medical cannabis might affect them simply by knowing its genetics. This not an exact science, particularly when it comes to predicting the effects of a F1 hybrid like Candy Land (Granddaddy Purp x Girl Scout Cookies).

Nonetheless, a general understanding of a strain’s parents can provide a general idea of what to expect. It typically requires a certain amount of trial and error research for patients to fully understand how different strains affect them. This, of course, can become problematic for the new medical marijuana patient in need of reliable pain relief at different times of day. Finding the right strain for each situation becomes vital.

Reliable Cannabis Strains For New Patients To Consider


In an attempt to help new patients determine what strain is right for them, our team has compiled a short list of classic strains that we consider “go-to strains” for certain situations. They are listed below:

The Blue Dream strain is one of the most recognizable varieties of cannabis available today. It is a 50/50 hybrid of consisting of Blueberry and Haze genetics, providing for a mellow relief for body and mind. This combined with Blue Dream‘s appealing aroma and flavor makes it a great option for first time anxiety patients who are unsure what strain is best for them.

The Green Crack cannabis strain is the epitome of a Sativadominant hybrid. As a result, it has become a staple in the cannabis industry with its racy, energetic effects. The Green Crack strain would be perfect for patients who prefer to medicate in the morning and/or afternoon. In addition to a boost of energy, it tends to help improve one’s level of focus. The effects might be compared to Adderall in that respect.

Unlike the Green Crack strain, the Granddaddy Purp (GDP) strain is beloved for its ability to counter insomnia naturally. It is an Indica-dominant hybrid and is an effective analgesic in addition to it’s ability to induce sleep. It is a great option for patients suffering from chronic pain or stress, particularly if planning to medicate at night.

Contrastingly, the Haze strain is notable for its effectiveness in the morning. Like the Green Crack strain, it tends to improve one’s focus and lift their spirits. However, Haze is typically less intense. Due to this, varieties of Haze have been used in a plethora of hybrid seed projects. The Jack Herer strain is a great example of a hybrid with heavy Haze influence.

Note: This list includes some of the most popular strains in the world, which means that most medical cannabis patients are bound to encounter them at some point in time.


A Brief History And Outlook Of Cannabis Extract Medicine

A Brief History And Outlook Of Cannabis Extract Medicine

By: Justin Kander 

Cannabis Extract Medicine Comes To Light

The news surrounding cannabis extract medicine, particularly the use of high-CBD oils for epileptic conditions in children, has been steadily increasing since the release of Sanjay Gupta’s documentary on August 11th, 2013. Most recently, a December 3, 2013 Huffington Post Live segment featured Joel Stanley (Co-founder and CEO of Realm of Caring), Heather Jackson (Executive Director), and Holli Brown.

Holli discussed the experience of her child Sydni, who began experiencing seizures at the age of 4. For years, no pharmaceutical options worked to control Sydni’s condition. Holli described the effects of the cannabis oil as remarkable.

Just five hours after the first dose, Sydni’s behavior dramatically improved and she began socializing much better.

After a month on the oil, she has experienced the most seizure free days in over five years. Holli hopes that total seizure control can be achieved with more time, but the benefits seen thus far are already amazing.

Another patient described is the son of Heather Jackson, Zaki, who was diagnosed with Doose syndrome. This rare form of epilepsy caused thousands of seizures and impaired development. Heather described the immediate seizure reduction benefits. Zaki was completely seizure free in just three months. In fact, Zaki recently celebrated one year without seizures.

The most popular case is Charlotte Figi, the subject of Dr. Gupta’s documentary. Charlotte was diagnosed with Dravet syndrome, an intractable epileptic condition which caused 300 grand mal seizures a week. Like Zaki, no pharmaceutical options worked to control her seizures at all. After the first dose of high-CBD oil, Charlotte stopped having seizures. Within months, she was down to less than three minor seizures a month, with concurrent improvements in cognition and behavior.

Cannabis Extracts Are Gaining Professional Support


Radical successes like these are not outliers – they are the norm with cannabis extract treatment. Dr. Margaret Gedde, a Colorado Springs physician, is tracking 11 new Realm of Caring patients. She reported that 9 of them experienced 90-100% reductions in seizures, apparently within just weeks of starting the oil.

The rate at which cannabis oil starts to deliver benefits is incredible, and Holli Brown in the HuffPost Live segment briefly discussed that she was not expecting to see such great results so soon.

Another patient, Zander Welton, cut daily seizures by over 90% with high-CBD cannabis oil. It worked after brain surgeries failed.

Zander’s parents are now suing the state of Arizona to gain continued safe access to this life changing medicine.

The growing support for high-CBD cannabis oil is staggering. Even top doctors are joining the crusade. Dr. Francis Filloux, the top pediatric neurologist at University of Utah, has come out demanding immediate access to high-CBD oil for Utah children.

There was also a recent episode of The Doctors, in which Dr. Travis Stork interviewed Paige Figi, Charlotte’s mother. He did a great job of conveying the dramatic nature of Charlotte’s recovery, imploring viewers to understand that Paige had initially given up on Charlotte because her condition was so unbelievably terrible. Nonetheless, high-CBD oil has “essentially cured her”.
Doctors are trained to understand the subtle complexities of various diseases. They know that when all pharmaceutical options have failed, and cannabis oil starts to completely reverse the condition, something is to be said. It’s this recognition that has led prestigious individuals like Dr. Francis Filloux to put their credibility on the line by calling for access.

Cannabis Extracts Show Remarkable Results

cannabis indica extractIn the case of epilepsy, the ability of cannabinoids to induce fundamental healing is truly remarkable. The fact that traditional drugs fail so profoundly, despite the years of research invested into them, is a testament to how complex epilepsy is. Yet cannabis oil continues to work in cases including Dravet syndrome, Doose syndrome, infantile spasms, cortical dysplasia, and more. Not only to reduce seizures, but to accelerate cognitive and behavioral development.
This should come as no surprise. There is an abundant body of research suggesting cannabinoids can heal epilepsy, but until now, it was unknown if such clinically suggested effects would transfer to humans. As Realm of Caring has demonstrated, they do.

Just like epilepsy, there are studies showing cannabinoids can treat virtually any kind of disease imaginable, including diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain, and much more. Further, the experiential evidence seems to support the science, with hundreds of people reporting curative results.

In fact, the last time HuffPost Live had a segment on cannabis oil medicine, it was Dr. William Courtney discussing how he eliminated a child’s brain tumor with a 3.8% high-CBD cannabis oil. He also alluding to a terminal brain cancer patient who went into complete remission through juicing cannabis.

Dr. Gupta also discussed the case of Landon Riddle, who had less than a 10% chance of living after diagnosis with an aggressive leukemia. Despite being on the brink of death from the cancer and chemotherapy treatments, cannabis oil turned him around almost immediately and Landon is now in remission.

What’s been happening lately is a stunning confirmation of bold claims that have been made for years. In 2008, a man named Rick Simpson released Run From the Cure, in which he claimed that cannabis extract medicine could eliminate cancers and control other diseases in humans. These claims were not taken seriously at first, but over the years, they were continuously confirmed.

People took Rick up on his challenge to prove it to themselves, and began seeing the truth. Over the last five and a half years, individuals have been using cannabis extracts to treat a wide variety of cancers and other diseases, with simply miraculous results. The magnitude of healing seen with epilepsy seems to transfer to other conditions.

More Research On Cannabis Extract Medicine Is Necessary


Whatever people believe about the full extent of cannabis extract medicine, one thing is for certain – it is an effective treatment option for many pharmaceutical-resistant conditions. More research is needed immediately.

The Comprehensive Report on the Cannabis Extract Movement extensively analyzes the scientific literature and experiential evidence surrounding cannabis extracts for the primary treatment of disease.  When the science and anecdotal data are each considered, the truth is abundantly clear.

The report includes medical documentation of terminal cancer patients now in full remission with cannabis oil, along with patient reports of success with fibromyalgia, diabetes, lupus, arthritis, chronic pain, Crohn’s, multiple sclerosis, trigeminal neuralgia, complex regional pain syndrome, Behcet’s disease, paralysis, depression, and more.

With so much overwhelming evidence suggesting cannabis can reliably eliminate cancer and control other diseases, we can’t wait. Millions of people suffer unbearably every day – every second is pure agony. Cannabis extract medicine must be made freely available. To prevent access to it is a crime against humanity.

By: Justin Kander is a volunteer with the Phoenix Tears organization. He wrote the Comprehensive Report on the Cannabis Extract Movement, a 100-page report that examines and analyzes the mounting evidence in support of cannabis extracts as medicine. Kander presented his report at the International Drug Policy Reform Conference in Denver earlier this year.
Portrait for Justin Kander
Justin Kander Webmaster of Phoenix Tears Foundation
Justin Kander is the former webmaster of and an advocate for the use of cannabis extract medicine to treat cancer. He previously interned with Students for Sensible Drug Policy, one of the nation’s leading drug …
